I turned 29, lost my job, found another job and decided that I want to have a puppy all in a span of one week. This is kinda frenzied, even for me.
I love houses, which is why I took Architecture in the first place. I treasure the idea of living in a nice, quiet, little house. I love designing it (in my head, because I can’t draw to save my life). And I love staying in my apartment the whole day, just spending time with my parakeets and turtles. I love cooking. I love eating in front of the TV. I love having the stereo on full blast while I clean my apartment, rearrange my furniture and sing with, well, wild abandon. I love shopping for things for my apartment: new curtains, rugs, candles, paintings, and maybe a new table. I love grocery shopping and filling my fridge with chocolates and fruits. I love reading a good book while it rains outside and there’s only enough light in the room to read the words…
It has been roughly 8 months since I moved to this new apartment. There I was, single, busy and hopeful. I was hoping to start anew and well… just glad to be out of the cramped apartment with a ceiling that leaks. I stayed a year too long there, I think. Or maybe I stayed five years too long there, I don’t know. (well, that’s a whole new blog altogether. Haha.)
Well, very little progress has since been made towards the improvement of my new apartment. there was work, and the holidays, then I went on a lot of trips… hongkong, macao, coron, boracay, bohol, then boracay again… then there’s also the slight misfortune of me constantly getting sick, which confines me to bed for a whole week sometimes. And of course, there’s you know, life… which happens… and has left me with this:
I think I have bit of a wiring problem. how did I end up like this? And how the hell do I untangle this mess? Wires first. Then me.
What? Who? me? Trashy? This isn’t even half of my garbage problem, but all the rest is just too embarrassing and gross to post here.

Clear cache. Please. This is half of the cd’s/dvd’s I have yet to sort/watch/listen to. My best friend is coming over sometime next week to borrow some of my cd’s to import to her iPod. Well, I wish both us luck.
Ivy, you’re so vain. this shows just how much or how little I care about how I look. I’ll leave you to decide. Which reminds me, I have to buy a real mirror.
Culture shock. This is the top of my dresser. I don’t even know what to say.
sweet attic dreams. When I moved in November of last year I had high hopes for this room. I imagined a really nice home theatre system. A huge TV. My dvds neatly stacked and arranged alphabetically. And maybe on weekends I’ll have some people over for movies or video games and popcorn and cold beer. Now, eight months later… this is just sad. I’m almost sorry. Ha.
Skeletons and boxing gloves in my closet. oh and yeah, some clothes too. This also reminds me that I haven’t used my iron since January, when I attended that wedding.
Minus ears. This is my bedside table. And yes. That is a blue plastic cat with a propeller on top of his head. That’s Doraemon and I love him. And yes, he flies.
the bedlam that is where I sleep. That’s jingoy and mr wizard. and I just realized how deep in shit I am right now.
For what it’s worth, I would like to stress that I am not a slob. This is not joe’s apartment. It may be hard to believe but there aren’t any bugs in my pink little pad. There aren’t any cockroaches, ants or rodents. Although I think some spiders started to migrate in my terrace the past month. and my apartment smells of apples.
So here it is, my rented life. Living in single domestic chaos.