Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Ice age.

Five days before Christmas and all I can think of is how much I want :
1. A new job
2. A new house
3. And the end of the world to come on the 21st.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Day 14 : A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

If i was asked this question long ago, the answer would be automatic. I wouldn't even blink or think. I knew the answer. It was simple but never easy. But the thing about people you could never imagine your life without-- is that they disappear. And what you thought wasn't ever possible becomes not just a reality, but it becomes your life.

Everyday there is still a part if me that wishes. But everyday, i am also reminded that i can live through my worst fear. And then i feel invincible.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Day 13

A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Things I love

Day 12 : A picture of something you love.

I'm going out on a limb here and I'm posting a picture of thingsss I love.

No matter how tough and detached i try to look, the truth is, i am such a girly-girl. I love bags, shinny things, shoes, flowers, chocolates and tennis. And the rain.

Oh, and cute tennis players.

And while we're telling secrets, I still believe that a pair of shoes can change a girl's life. Just look at that girl, Cinderella. She lived happily ever after.

Monday, August 20, 2012

something you hate

yeah. it took me a while to come up with this one because although i say that i hate something everyday, i almost always never mean it. the task for day 11 is to post a picture of something you hate.  i don't think i've ever hated something to the point as to make it official. you know, like really making a statement about your abhorrence over that one thing.  but that was until I experienced, first hand, some major bullying from local officials.

So now, here it is : I hate politics. and I hate bullies.

You know what the funny thing is? these police vehicles weren't even acquired during this Mayor's administration.  This was part of the previous Mayor's projects.

Credit @jimparedes for the pic.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

saddest conversation ever

good talk.

but the saddest part is, you know he's right.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

random stranger

Day 10 : a picture of the person you do the most F****d up things with.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

day 9

Day 9 : A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

wow. I am on a roll. although, the only reason I am on a roll is because I have been on bed-rest for nearly 4 days now. but still, I am on a roll.

This next one is quite tricky. and may get a bit controversial, so I will just post this pic. because if you are the person who has gotten me through the most, you'll know. one look at that pic, and you'll know.  you probably already know anyway, even if you don't see this. but... whatevs.

geez. if i knew this list would get this personal.  i wouldn't have done it at all. oh well.


FAITH : You give it to the people you love. But the people who really deserve it, are the ones who come through even when you don't love them enough.  - V Mars 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

day 8 : a picture that makes you laugh

what can i say? i'm easy. :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

day 7

This 30 day thing is taking a lot longer than I thought. Ha. Anyway... moving on...

Day 7 : A picture of your most treasured item.
I almost posted a picture of my favorite flowers here. I thought I was supposed to post a picture of my most treasured possession... not that a bunch of hyacinths were the most important part of my life... the picture was supposed to take the place of the picture of all the people I love since i can't put all of them in a single picture. 

Anyway, when i looked at my file again, it said, most treasured item. item. this is the first thing that came into my mind. 

it may be a bit sentimental and childish, but this teddy bear was there every single time i needed a hug. got me through the worst times. and (in my mind) jumped up with me in my triumphs. i miss my bear. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

i had the strangest


I dreamt that we were watching the sunrise. I casually mused that it has been such a long time since we last saw the sun rise together.  And as I said it, I had the sinking feeling that it was going to be the last.  

I hate waking up in tears. It kinda sets the mood for the entire day. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

sunflowers and berries

Day 6 : A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Okay. It took me days to figure out who I wanted to trade places with... I was thinking, maybe someone profound... like Oprah.  Then this morning I realized i'm only going to be this "other" person for a day. So might as well be fun. 

Just for a day, I want to be this girl who spends a quiet weekend away from the city with this really cute dude in the red socks.  I want to shop for sunflowers and berries after a quick run along the beach with this really sweet dude. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

spoon airplanes

Day 5 : A picture of your favorite memory. 

when i was around seven years old and recuperating from a long sickness, my mom begged me to eat and spoon fed me the most amazing adobo ever.  I was too old then to be spoon fed, much more, with an "airplane" spoon.  the taste of the adobo, the small table in my grandma's living room and how the light filtered through the windows and touched my thin feet are still very clear memories until this day. but my favorite part was when my mom pretended that the spoon was an airplane just to convince me to eat.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

as long as you're here with me now.

Day 4 : A picture of your favorite night.

This one is a pickle. There's just sooo many favorite nights. But nothing sums up my current mood than this :

As long as it matters.
As long as you're here with me now.
Forget that our time is almost up,
I'll be all right.

Some of your favorite things, they're over before they even start.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 3

Post a picture of the cast of your favorite TV show

Of course, i did.

It was almost sure that i won't be able to complete this 30 day challenge thing. I completely forgot on the second day. Ha!
But!!! The only way to get a move on is to just pick up where you left of.

So yesterday's thing was :
Post a picture of you and the person you've been closest to the longest. there's no doubt about this one :

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thirty Days

I think I’m back. Or at least I’m trying.  For the month of April, one of my To-Do things, according to the Happiness Project is to start a blog.  (Actually, it meant, do something you’ve always wanted to do, but was afraid to start and/or learn something new, but I think this works for me. I am too lazy to think of something else, anyway.)

As background, I started reading the Happiness Project in January.  It was just fitting to start the year with a project like this.  Not that I’m not happy, or that I expect to find the meaning of life with the project… I just knew there’s room for improvement and maybe this will be fun.  But, as most things in my life, I needed a bit of catching up on the book.  The recent flights between Tokyo, Hongkong and Manila gave me the time to do just that.

A friend also recently urged me to try this 30 day thing where they tell you what to post each day for thirty days.  I figured it would be a good start for my project since most of the time, my mind is just flying in all sorts of directions and I cannot focus on just one thing. (I had to point that out incase it’s still not obvious).

30 days.  Can I make that kind of commitment? Here goes: 

Day 1:
A picture of yourself with 10 facts

1.   I love being busy.
2.  I have a dog named Tascha
3.  I am independent.
4.  I’d like to believe I am a good cook.
5.  I love sports and adventure.
6.  I love surprises and spontaneity.
7.  I snore.
8.  I cannot live without chocolate.
9.  I hate negativity.
10.  I’m stubborn. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

the year that was