Sunday, November 14, 2010

multiple choice

For a few months now, a question has been nagging my friend's overly imaginative and earnest minds. I didn't bother give it a thought because, really, there was no reason to choose. I circled at the possibility and was entertained by the potential. But, really. Whether I choose A, B or C didn't matter... I felt that it was not up to me anyway. But yesterday, while I was trying to arrange my clothes scattered on the floor, I suddenly decided. I choose D. not D of my bittersweet childhood. But D for none of the above.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stop that woman!

Some people eat when stressed. Some scream or punch the living daylights out of something. Others exercise. I shop. There was a turn of events last Friday. Our trip to Malaysia is pushing through after all. And I have an interview for the new job next week. Things seem to looking up. But still stressful. Crazy stressful. Stomach crunching, vomit inducing, head spinning stressful.

The plan was to monitor the Men's Health Urbanathlon (yeah I have the best job in the world ;)), visit mom's grave, drop by the doctor's and swing by the office to do some paper work.

Well that was the plan. This is what happened.

After I spent my bonus and maxed out my credit card, I settled down at a cafĂ©. As I was waiting for my order to come, I looked at the bags. The bag with my brand new Oakley shades looked back at me and smiled. “Happy holidays!”, it said. A warm smile spread across my flushed face and I felt warm all over. I deserve this, I thought. This is how it's supposed to be. Then my order came and it was amazing.

Life is amazing. I know the bills will come to haunt me in a few months, but for now, I am ecstatic. Warm all over. :)
There’s just so much to look forward to.

flowers for mom

I went to the cemetery this morning to visit my mom’s grave. The cemetery was nearly empty save for some kids playing at a distance and a handful of guys cleaning up what’s left off the previous week. I miscalculated the time and arrived there at around 10 am, it was especially humid. And 5 minutes under the scorching sun, I started feeling dizzy.

It’s no fun passing out in the cemetery. It creeps everyone out.

NP : Last Kiss : Pearl Jam

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The List (continued) from the doctor's office

- get the pair of Mizuno crusaders I won. finally got them and planned to test drive it at the hsbc run but, of course, i lost my race bid. wth?!

It's my second (or third - I can't remember) visit to the doc for my dizziness and fatigue. Of course the first time I went here I conveniently did not tell my doc that I recently did this

and shortly after, I started feeling sea sick.

This is definitely not my day. Well, yesterday wasn't my day either. First, we found out that our trip to Malaysia has been cancelled. Well, they said postponed for a trip to (maybe) Singapore early next year. But it feels really cancelled and we'll have to do the planning session somewhere within the country. Sucks. In hindsight, it might be because the doc said I should avoid air travel for the meantime. i hate it that even the cancellation of this trip is supposedly for my good. Crap.

It's Thursday, and so far the week has been a major disaster. Should I be bold and declare that this is definitely not my week?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The List

I was going to make a list of all the things I had to do and cross them out one by one. I was arguing with myself in my mind how to prioritize things. But my laptop's keyboard intermittently presses the ";" key in it's own will. And I find it too annoying.

And even before I get to post this, I know I would have crossed out some of them (hopefully) OR not.

- get a new battery for my laptop (this I actually accomplished before I even wrote this, otherwise I wouldn't be able to write this, but I want to include this to add to the things I've crossed out, because I simply like crossing things out.)
- get rid of my vertigo or whatever the hell it is that makes me dizzy. And find out why I am always Sooo tired. I think this isn't just stress, I think there's a medical explanation for this.
- have my laptop keyboard repaired.
- get a new pair of cheap glasses. I specified cheap because I only ever use it at home and tascha keeps chewing on my glasses, it doesn't make sense for me to get really nice ones.
- replace bulbs in the living room
- get plumbing done in the bathroom
- finally get a closet
- get a new bed
- get a desk, heck, renovate bedroom
- renovate living/dining room
- bathe tascha
- update tascha's vaccines
- sync iPhone
- fix other phone
- get a car.

I think this about sums up the priority things for me right now. There are a gazillion other things waiting to be done but if I list them all, nothing will ever get done. Now if only I can sleep.